

分类: 散文  时间: 2023-02-27 12:26:37  作者: 网站小编 



Conjoined twins, known medically as "Siamese twins", are a condition where two twins are physically connected due to incomplete separation after their birth. Normally, babies are born with a thin membrane connecting them, which can be surgically separated. However, in cases of conjoined twins, the fusion of the twins often can not be removed without harm.


The occurrence of conjoined twins is rare, estimated at a rate of 1 in every 200,000 live births. Conjoined twins can be differentiated by their sex, the type of connection they share, and how the internal organs are distributed between them. There are 7 types of conjoined twins that are commonly seen. The most common type is thoraco-omphalopagus, which are twins that are connected from the upper chest to the lower chest, causing them to share a common heart and liver. Other types include craniopagus, pyopagus, ischiopagus, craniopagus parasiticus, rachipagus and syncephalus.





The condition of conjoined twins is not caused by any known genetic disorder, although the exact cause of the fusion is unknown. It is believed that the split of the egg cell may have been incomplete during the early stages of the pregnancy, forming two embryos which remained connected to each other as they developed.

The outlook for conjoined twins depends on the location and complexity of the fused organs and/or limbs. Although some conjoined twins are stillborn, many are born alive and in some cases, they can be successfully surgically separated. However, it has been found that in approximately 35% of cases, surgery to separate the twins is not possible due to the high risk of death or organ incompatibility.

Conjoined twins are often the topic of curiosity in society, leading them to be discriminated against or treated like specimens in a museum. This can cause negative psychological effects on the twins who, like any other human, require warmth, compassion and understanding.

In recent years there have been a number of cases of conjoined twins who have been successfully surgically separated, despite the odds being against them. This gives hope to many families that have a child suffering from conjoined twins and it may be possible for them to have a normal life.

Regardless of the number of cases in which the twins can be separated, it is important to remember that conjoined twins are just like any other person and should be treated with respect and compassion.

