

分类: 散文  时间: 2023-04-29 18:58:19  作者: 网站小编 



Necessity is a fundamental part of our lives. We can never escape it. It has become part and parcel of our existence, whether we realize it or not. Life is a continual cycle of decisions where we must learn to distinguish between what is necessary, and what is optional.


The dictionary definition of ‘necessity’ is ‘a requirement; a thing that must be done in order to accomplish something’. In essence, all of our lives are ruled by what is necessary for our existence. For example, taking regular meals and getting a certain amount of sleep is considered an essential requirement for the human body to function properly. If these requirements are not met, then health complications can arise.





However, necessity goes beyond the basic needs of survival. We are all driven by a need to feel satisfaction and provide for our families. Every day, we are forced with decisions regarding our careers and lifestyle, regarding what is necessary and what we can live without. Depending on our situation, some of us may make the decision to continue our education, despite the fact that the initial costs are high, because the end goal is seen as a necessity.

The idea of necessity is also an intrinsic part of our social lives. We determine what is necessary in order to maintain our personal relationships; whether it’s taking time out of our busy schedules to meet up with friends or putting extra effort into a romantic relationship. The list of necessities can be long or short depending on the inpidual, but it’s important to be mindful of what we require in order not to become overwhelmed.

In conclusion, necessity is an unavoidable part of life but can take many forms. It’s up to us to distinguish what is essential for us to function in our environment, and what can be done without. We have to be mindful of our neediness, as it can be easy to get stuck in a cycle of routine and lose track of what really matters to us.

