

分类: 散文  时间: 2023-03-05 12:13:39  作者: 网站小编 





Shame is a well-known feeling of distress. It is often a signal of a violation or a lost of dignity. It is a common emotion faced by people every day. It is deeply rooted in our psychological habit and formed in the process of socialization.





For thinkers, shame is a complex emotion of moral disgust because it is usually associated with our moral evaluation of an action or situation. Philosophers such as Hobbes, Hume, and Spinoza have tried to explain how shame works in the mind according to their understanding of human temperament.

In concrete life, shame is often a response to a certain stimulus. An embarrassment of being in a wrong place, for example, may cause shame. The feeling of shame can interfere with the course of our daily lives in severe cases, telling us to avoid certain things, preventing us from making contact with people, or leading us to destructive behavior.

Besides those extreme emotions, shame can be very productive in terms of character development. In our society, we use it to dictate appropriate and inappropriate behaviors in order to ensure social cohesion.

In a nutshell, shame is a complex and usual emotion experienced by different people. It can be a sign of moral disgust which is also deeply rooted in our subconscious, or a productive force motivating self- cultivation. It is an important emotion to understand and manage in order to make positive changes in our lives.

