out of control doing_out of control词语用法及例句,读法!
分类: 散文
时间: 2023-10-01 07:47:19
作者: 网站小编
Out of control是一个常用的英语词汇,它可以用来形容某个事物或情况已经失去了控制,变得难以管理。在生活中,我们经常会遇到一些out of control的情况,比如说交通拥堵、孩子无法控制的行为、公司管理混乱等等。下面,我们将详细讲解out of control这个词语的用法及例句。
Out of control这个词语可以用作形容词或动词短语,表示某个事物或情况已经失去了控制。
作形容词当out of control作形容词时,通常放在名词前面,用来形容某个事物或情况已经失去了控制。
The car was out of control and crashed into a tree.(汽车失控撞上了一棵树。)The fire was out of control and spread quickly to nearby buildings.(火势失控,很快蔓延到了附近的建筑物。)The child's behavior was out of control and he needed discipline.(孩子的行为失控,需要管教。)作动词短语当out of control作动词短语时,可以表示某个事物或情况正在失去控制,需要采取措施来控制住它。
The situation is out of control and we need to take action immediately.(情况已经失控,我们需要立即采取行动。)The company's finances are out of control and we need to bring in a financial expert to help us.(公司的财务已经失控,我们需要请一位财务专家来帮助我们。)The teacher had to intervene when the students' behavior was getting out of control.(当学生的行为开始失控时,老师不得不介入。)例句下面是一些使用out of control这个词语的例句,帮助大家更好地理解它的用法。
The wildfires in California are out of control and thousands of people have been forced to evacuate their homes.(加利福尼亚的野火已经失控,成千上万的人被迫撤离家园。)The party was out of control and the police had to be called in to break it up.(派对失控了,警察不得不前来解散。)The stock market is out of control and investors are becoming increasingly nervous.(股市失控了,投资者变得越来越紧张。)The child's tantrum was out of control and he started throwing things around the room.(孩子的发脾气已经失控了,他开始乱扔东西。)The traffic was out of control and it took me twice as long to get to work this morning.(交通失控了,今天早上我上班用了两倍的时间。)读法Out of control这个词语的读法是/ˌaʊt əv kənˈtroʊl/。
总结Out of control是一个常用的英语词汇,它可以用来形容某个事物或情况已经失去了控制,变得难以管理。当out of control作形容词时,通常放在名词前