分类: 散文
时间: 2023-07-19 08:04:04
作者: 网站小编
Happen 是一个常用的动词,表示发生、出现或发生意外事件。该词语在英语中的用法相对简单,但是需要注意一些常见的短语和搭配。下面将详细介绍 happen 的用法及例句。
作为一个动词,happen 的基本意思是“发生”或“出现”,常用于描述事情、事件等的发生。例如:
What happened to you yesterday?(昨天你发生了什么事?)The accident happened on the highway.(事故发生在高速公路上。)It's not often that something like this happens.(像这样的事情并不经常发生。)二、常见短语除了基本用法外,happen 还有一些常见的短语和搭配,需要注意。以下是一些常见的短语:
happen to:意为“碰巧、恰好”,常用于表示偶然性。例如:I happened to see your sister at the mall yesterday.(昨天我碰巧在商场看到了你的妹妹。)Do you happen to have a pen I could borrow?(你恰巧有一支笔我可以借用吗?)happen on/upon:意为“偶然发现、碰见”,常用于表示偶然性。例如:We happened upon a quaint little village during our trip.(我们在旅途中偶然发现了一个古色古香的小村庄。)I happened on an old friend at the party last night.(昨晚在聚会上我偶然遇到了一个老朋友。)make something happen:意为“使某事发生”,常用于表示积极性。例如:If you want to succeed, you have to make it happen.(如果你想成功,你必须付出行动。)We need to make something happen before it's too late.(在为时已晚之前,我们需要采取行动。)三、其他用法除了以上介绍的基本用法和常见短语外,happen 还有一些其他用法,需要注意。以下是一些其他用法及例句:
happen + to-infinitive:表示“偶然发生某事”,后面接不定式。例如:I happened to meet him in the street.(我在街上偶然遇见了他。)She happened to mention that she was going to Paris.(她偶然提到她要去巴黎。)happen + that-clause:表示“某事情发生了”,后面接宾语从句。例如:It happened that I was in the same class as her.(我和她恰好在同一班级。)It just so happened that I had some extra tickets.(碰巧我有一些多余的门票。)happen + adverbial phrase:表示“某事情发生在某个时间或地点”,后面接状语。例如:The accident happened on the way to work.(事故发生在上班的路上。)<>