

分类: 散文  时间: 2023-06-29 14:42:02  作者: 网站小编 


When it comes to describing "unworthy descendants" in English, there are a variety of phrases and idioms that can be used. These expressions convey a sense of disappointment, disapproval, or even anger towards a person's offspring who have failed to live up to expectations. Below are some examples of how one might express this sentiment in English.


One common phrase is "black sheep." This term refers to a person who is considered a disgrace or embarrassment to their family due to their behavior or actions. For example, if someone's son becomes a drug addict and gets arrested multiple times, they might be referred to as the "black sheep" of the family.

Another phrase that can be used is "rotten apple." This expression implies that one bad person can spoil the whole group. For instance, if someone's daughter is known for being dishonest and manipulative, they might be described as a "rotten apple" who has negatively impacted the rest of the family's reputation.

Similarly, the phrase "bad seed" suggests that a person's negative qualities are innate and cannot be changed. This term is often used to describe someone who has a long history of bad behavior, such as a grandchild who has been expelled from multiple schools and gotten into trouble with the law.





Another idiom that conveys disappointment in a person's descendants is "fallen from grace." This phrase suggests that someone who was once respected or admired has lost their good standing due to their actions or choices. For example, if someone's grandson was expected to become a successful lawyer but instead dropped out of school and became a drug dealer, they might be said to have "fallen from grace."

Finally, the phrase "disappointing offspring" is a more straightforward way of expressing disappointment in one's children or grandchildren. This term can be used to describe a wide range of negative behaviors, from failing to achieve academic success to engaging in criminal activity.

Overall, there are many ways to express disapproval or disappointment towards one's descendants in English. These phrases and idioms vary in their degree of severity and can be used in different contexts depending on the situation. However, regardless of the specific expression used, the underlying sentiment is one of disappointment and frustration with a person's offspring who have failed to live up to expectations.

