分类: 散文
时间: 2023-06-29 14:46:03
作者: 网站小编
The past is gone, and cannot be changed.In the past, people used to communicate by letter.She has been haunted by the past for years.二、作为形容词作为形容词,past表示“过去的”、“以前的”,常用于修饰名词。例如:
He couldn't forget his past experiences.The past week has been very busy for me.This is a past issue, we don't need to discuss it again.三、作为副词作为副词,past表示“过去”、“经过”,常用于表示时间或空间的跨越。例如:
break_up_break up词语用法及例句,读法!
He walked past me without saying a word.The train went past the station at full speed.I looked past the trees and saw the ocean in the distance.四、其他用法除了以上三种用法,past还有一些其他的用法,如下:
1. 过去式在动词中,past表示过去式。例如:
I walked to the park yesterday.She studied hard and passed the exam last week.He cooked dinner for us and we enjoyed it very much.2. 靠近、超过在某些情况下,past还可以表示“靠近”、“超过”。例如:
The car drove past the house and stopped at the end of the street.The price of the house is past our budget.3. 经历、度过在口语中,past还可以表示“经历”、“度过”。例如:
How did you past the weekend?We past a difficult time, but finally we made it.读音past的发音为/pæst/,其中a的发音类似于cat。注意不要将其读成/pɑːst/,这是一个常见的错误发音。